The Strategic Plan
In 2016 the Planning Grant allowed for a small group of MCT Members to come together and formalize a plan to provide informational materials to our membership everywhere. The group was facilitated by Indigenous Collaboration July 7-9 at the Kitchi Gammi Club in Duluth. Below is the work that was accomplished.
Organizational History & Current Environment
Five conversations were held, designed to begin the strategic planning work planted in the history of governance and the understanding of Nationhood. Included are responses to questions on basic data, trends, accomplishments and advantages.
Practical Vision
The Team's Vision is here. If tribal governance is done well, what is in place in 2026 that serves the community and the Minnesota Chippewa Nations? The group's consensus and motivating image o the future is stated, along with where the Vision moves the effort to bring about positive change.
Underlying Contradictions
This section represents the Team's analysis of issues and obstacles blocking progress toward the Vision. This insightful look at contradictions assists the group in assuring its development strategies are grounded in reality.
Strategic Direction
The two-year development strategies targeted by the Team are documented here. The actions are woven into strategic directions that provide the group with clear statements of the priorities driving decision-making.
Implementation Sheets, Targeted Achievement
The accomplishments targeted for completion in Year One are documented here, along with the calendared effort and individual implemention sheets completed by the small teams who self-selected to work on different tasks.
Education & Marketing Materials with Audience Profile
The Team's thoughts on educational materials to develop and who the targeted audiences are as well as what the group knows about the audience are documented here.
After the July, 2016 Strategic Planning Session, the group reconvened to execute the plan. Going forward the 3E (Education, Engagement, Empowerment) name was replaced with Zaagibagaang (a new beginning).